Books & Articles & Presentations

Designing for InteractionDesigning Gestural Interfaces CoverDesigning Devices CoverMicrointeractions Cover


Microinteractions: Designing with Details, (O’Reilly, 2013)

Designing Devices, (Amazon, 2011)

Designing for Interaction, Second Edition (New Riders, 2009)

Designing Gestural Interfaces (O’Reilly, 2008)


The End of Design As We Know It, Medium, 2014

Some Kind of Toaster, Medium, 2014

On Design Education, Medium, 2014

Why We Need to Tame Our Algorithms Like Dogs, Wired, 2014

The Hidden Genius and Influence of The Traffic Light, Wired, 2014

The UX of Commercial Drones, UX Magazine, 2014

Getting to Signature Moments with Microinteractions, O’Reilly Programming, 2013

Are Multi-Purpose Devices Better Than Products That Perform One Function?, Wall Street Journal, 2013

Smart Design on What We’ll Really Want from Robot Cars, Fast Company, 2012

The Cult of Innovation, BusinessWeek, 2007

Research is a Method Not a Methodology, 2007

Everything You Wanted to Know About Designers, 2006

So You Want to Be an Interaction Designer 2006, 2006

Persona Non Grata, 2005

The Role of Metaphor in Interaction Design (340k pdf), 2005

Designing Organizational Decisions (72k pdf), 2005

Design as a Means of Overcoming Barriers to Technology Adoption (132k pdf), 2004

Form in Design (53k pdf), 2003

Writing Smart Annotations, 2003

Building Brand into Structure, 2002

Tackling Maintenance Projects, 2002


Using Microinteractions to Get from Prototype to Product (2014)

The New Era of (Non-)Discoverability (2012)

How to Lie with Design Thinking (2012)

Design in the Post-PC Era (2011)

What User-Centered Design is Good For (2010)

Designing for (and with) New Technology (2010)

How to Lie with Design Strategy (2010)

Designing from the Inside-Out: Behaviour as the Engine of Product Design (2009)

Designing Smart and Clever Applications (2009)

Carpe Diem: Attention, Awareness, and Interaction Design 2009 (2009)

Interaction as a Material (2008)

Tap is the New Click (2008)

How to Lie with Design Research (2007)

Making Good Design Decisions (2007)

New Sources of Inspiration for Interaction Designers (2007)

Gaming the Web: Using the Structure of Games to Design Better Web Apps (2007)

Learning Interaction Design from Las Vegas (2007)

The Role of Metaphor in Interaction Design (2005)