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It was a strange week for me. Even though I was heads-down working on a project for most of it, I somehow ended up in BusinessWeek. Twice. (And no, not because I'm married to a BW reporter.) And I had a podcast by Read/Write Talk released too. Fun!

The first BW article, Designing for Diabetics, features the project I worked on for most of the summer: Charmr, a system for managing diabetes. The second BW article is a flattering review of my How to Lie with Design Research talk I gave at the Design Research 2007 conference last week.

The Read/Write Talk podcast is simply me rambling on about interactive gestures and the interactive gestures wiki. There is a transcript if you prefer that to hearing my voice babbling into your ear.

Originally posted at Saturday, September 29, 2007 | Comments (0) | Trackback (0)

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Review: The Reflective Practitioner (Part I)
I've been circling around Donald Schön's The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action for years now and finally got around to reading it. As it turns out, I should have read it a long time ago, since it has so much to say (indirectly) about design and what it means to be a designer today, especially designers in the experience design realm. As it turns out, there is a reason for the fact we're constantly fighting about things like role/discipline boundaries and titles. The book also offers and analyzes a way of working that is very very much how I work and, I suspect, how many people in my field do as well. ...

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