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Side Project: No Ideas But In Things

Anyone who follows my Flickr stream has lately probably wondered WTF is going on. All of a sudden, instead of cute pictures of my daughter, there's all these seemingly-random shots of stuff. Well, they aren't random, they are for my new side project No Ideas But in Things.

I was inspired first by Bill DeRouchey's History of the Button talk at Web Visions, then by Andy Clarke's Creating Inspired Design talk at Web Directions South a few weeks ago. In Andy's talk, he urged designers to look to the outside world for inspiration instead of just looking at other digital things. This seemed reasonable and fruitful, so that's what NIBIT is: a collection of physical things for my inspiration. And, if you are an interaction or product designer, hopefully yours as well. I'm compiling a (hopefully large) set of different physical objects and parts of objects, from handles to dials to control panels to different animations.

One reason I'm doing this is that, after Andy's talk, I realized that although I use my creativity almost every day, I don't do very much to nurture, nourish or expand it, to deliberately broaden my palette. I hope NIBIT (along with my blog education experiment) does this for me.

Originally posted at Tuesday, October 17, 2006 | Comments (3)

Previous Entry
Me in NYC
In two weeks, on October 25th, I'll be giving my Designing for Interaction workshop in New York City. On the night before, Tuesday the 24th, join the NYC IxDA and me for a taste of the workshop as I talk about documenting applications! And afterwards: drinks sponsored by Adaptive Path. If you are interested in Tuesday night, RSVP to nyc-rsvp [at] ixda [dot] org. ...

Recent Entries
New Book: Designing Gestural Interfaces

An Interaction Designer's Thanksgiving

Missing Britpop

Presentation: Gaming the Web: Using the Structure of Games to Design Better Web Apps

Connecting07: Rethinking Product Design: Why We Can't Wait

Connecting07: Medical Device Design: 10 Things You Need to Know

Connecting07: Brand, Design, and the Brain

An Open Letter to the Producers of the new Bionic Woman

Review: The Reflective Practitioner (Part IV)

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